National Eucharistic Revival Prepares For Release of New Mystagogy Series Throughout Easter Season

Distinguished theological experts contribute to first-of-its-kind series of weekly catechetical reflections

Washington, D.C, March 20, 2023—The Heart of the Revival Newsletter (HRN), a weekly publication of the National Eucharistic Revival, was established in June 2022 to provide resources to reaffirm and deepen the Eucharistic faith of Catholics across the country. Throughout the Easter season, the editorial team for HRN, along with the assistance and generosity of a lineup of seven prominent Catholic figures, is proud to offer a special Mystagogy series, which will invite all Catholics deeper into the mysteries of Christ by reflecting on the truth, goodness and beauty of the Mass.

Heart of the Revival, which releases every Thursday, will feature a unique reflection as part of the series, “Beautiful Light: a Paschal Mystagogy,” beginning April 13 and running through May 25—corresponding with Divine Mercy Sunday through Pentecost. Authors will be Archbishop Charles Thompson of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis; Sr. Maria Miguel Wright, OP of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist; Biblical scholar and author Jeff Cavins; Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of the Archdiocese of Seattle; Canadian priest and author Fr. Harrison Ayre; Kately Javier, Coordinator for Adult Formation and Hispanic Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Washington; and recently-elected President of the USCCB Archbishop Timothy Broglio.

“Whether you are just joining the Church at Easter Vigil this year or have been Catholic your entire life, this series is for you,” said Sr. Alicia Torres, editor of HRN and member of the Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago. Torres, who is also a National Eucharistic Revival executive team member, continued, “Each and every one of us are not a static being—we grow and develop. So, too, does our faith. At every age and stage of life, Jesus invites us to discover the joy of friendship with him. For Catholics, this happens in a most special way during Mass—‘the source and summit of the Christian life.’ Many of us haven’t had the chance to really explore the beauty and mystery God invites us into at Mass. That is the goal of Beautiful Light: to give every Catholic a chance to go deeper this Easter Season.”

Often associated with the Order (formerly Rite) of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA), Mystagogy comes from the Greek word meaning, “to lead through the mysteries.” The Catechism describes mystagogy as a “liturgical catechesis that aims to initiate people into the mystery of Christ” (CCC 1075). Pope Francis adds, “Mystagogy: this is a suitable way to enter the mystery of the liturgy, in the living encounter with the crucified and risen Lord. Mystagogy means discovering the new life we have received in the People of God through the Sacraments, and continually rediscovering the beauty of renewing it” (Address, February 14, 2019).

Mystagogy is the form of catechesis that helps us unpack and explore the spiritual treasures contained in the sacraments by continuously reflecting on their meaning and significance in our personal lives of faith. In turn, the sacraments really change us. Pope Benedict XVI said, “The mature fruit of mystagogy is an awareness that one's life is being progressively transformed by the holy mysteries being celebrated” (Sacramentum Caritatis, n. 64). By reflecting regularly on the sacraments, we access an incredible strength for our daily tasks.

Archbishop Charles Thompson, the author of the first reflection in the Beautiful Light series, said, “The National Eucharistic Revival involves an intentional effort to both evangelize and catechize, predicated on the long-standing Catholic belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ—His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity—in the Eucharist. Rooted in the invitation to a personal encounter with Jesus, every baptized person is called to a life of holiness and mission as a missionary disciple in Him. This Mystagogy series provides a special opportunity to link our Catholic faith in the Eucharist with the daily lived experience of Christian witness and service to others.”

Those interested in accessing Beautiful Light: A Paschal Mystagogy can subscribe to HRN. Subscribers can look forward to a multitude of resources, videos, stories, and dynamic reflections from trusted voices in every corner of the Church. It is also a channel to communicate events, special announcements, and highlights from grassroots developments throughout the United States in support of the National Eucharistic Revival.

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