The Four Pillars of Mission

Pillar 1
Eucharistic Encounter
In order to lead people to a relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist, we have to maintain an active relationship with him ourselves. This pillar focuses on deepening that personal relationship through prayer, adoration, and the sacraments. Regular, profound encounters with Jesus strengthen us to be a more authentic and powerful witness to his love.

St. Charles de Foucauld and Venerable Fulton Sheen are beautiful examples of how Eucharistic Holy Hours empower evangelization.

Pillar 2
Eucharistic Identity
To truly live out our mission as Catholics, we must first embrace our identity as beloved children of the Father, shaped by our relationship with Christ in the Eucharist. This pillar emphasizes the importance of internalizing and living out the teachings and love of Jesus, allowing our Eucharistic encounters to define who we are. Through these encounters, our hearts and minds are transformed, guiding us to reflect Christ’s love in every aspect of our lives.

St. Mary Magdalene and Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez exemplify how a deep Eucharistic identity inspires profound missionary zeal and service to others.

Pillar 3
Eucharistic Life
This pillar encourages us to integrate our love for Christ into every aspect of our lives, transforming daily actions into continuous acts of worship and service. As we love Christ more, our lives become configured to his, reflecting his sacrificial love. When we live a Eucharistic life, we join in Christ’s self-offering, allowing his love to flow through us to others.

St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton are powerful examples of how putting the Eucharist at the center of your life leads to personal transformation and fuels mission.

Pillar 4
Eucharistic Mission
This pillar is a call to evangelize—boldly spreading the Good News of Christ’s Eucharistic love and mercy in word and deed. As our love for Christ deepens, our lives will become increasingly configured to his mission, compelling us to serve others with his heart. We will be drawn to compassionate service, living our call to be his hands and feet to our neighbors and bring his presence to the margins.

The legacies of St. Teresa of Calcutta and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini exemplify how a profound devotion to the Eucharist drives a life committed to evangelization and selfless service.